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Everything posted by dragomon2

  1. Nice! Hope it went well. Things this year just keeps rolling and rolling~
  2. Lane 15-AJ is now activated, prepare for the Santa-Sled.
  3. First immortal of the sword has an animation based on it. No clue if that would help you but it's certainly something that might help give an idea. You'd have to ask Seth (the translator) or dig up the old messages in the FIOTS channel on discord (which should be relatively easy if its looking for videos) as the animation is under a completely different name. Can't say if there's an official translation for the animation but hope that helps even a little bit! There's also tales of demons and gods but the author and animations are both... oh boy not good
  4. Christmas is a time to get lots of free money
  5. Same! My throat is starting to get really ugh and my head is having a piercing headache but this week is nothing but performances. Note to self, wear a mask two weeks before any major events since people are nasty and many rooms are very unventilated. Hope we get through this quickly! Also, be careful, don't drink alcohol if you're sick, it'll make it much worse! Never too late to have a "christmas drink" days after christmas if it means staying healthy!
  6. Games are an interesting concept of entertainment.
  7. It could also be that you consumed so much novels that the well kinda dried up and/or you're so used to them that only higher-quality novels will fit your taste. Kind of like if you tried this new culture's food and loved it, you don't care that much for quality until time passes, then your expectations keep going up and up. Similar to how some gamers may find every game boring cause they play too much games, esp a specific type of games. Maybe a break that ventures into completely different territory (genres) that you aren't used to/you may think you dislike may help freshen things up for you? But I agree with the points you made. It's definitely not the "quality has decreased", that's similar to saying "music has gone down hill!!!" it's more so that there's just a huge influx of novels coming out and the one that has quality to them are shooting out at a slow pace and being shadowed by the crappier ones.
  8. Man my day has been a roller coaster. I just started on the first rehearsal of the production of Hansel and Gretel by Humperdinck, a fantastic opera. But man, they gave the music two weeks beforehand, which the two professors leading it were shocked to hear that they really gave it to us two weeks ago and not at the start of the semester and fortunately, everyone was struggling lol. I wasn't the only one failing. But that means that the entire week I'm going to have grind this out day and night x.x Fortunately good chunks that contained super hard passages were removed but oh boy, it's still an almost 2 hr operatica. My day (or week i guess) has been hectic.
  9. Nice! We could always use more breaks! But I feel that so much right now haha, can't wait till thanksgiving where I get about 4 days off before I have to kick it into full gear. Also adding Immortal of the Ages to my wishlist since that sounds like something I'm in the mood for!
  10. Not in any shape or form lmao. I don't know much about audio. The only reason I "know a lot" is because I'm a violinist lol. Main issue for violins is that it's like intonation with a guitar. Most guitars have frets so in that good bit of space, an A4 will always be an A4. With the absolute tiny bit of movement on a violin, even 0.1mm of movement, the pitch is completely "ruined". The same could be applied to the bow, Idk how electrics pick up violin strings in detail, but it certainly isn't picking up even the tiniest of pressure, placement, speed, etc. I feel like from an audio stand point, violins (and strings) are just disgustingly painful to get kek. Though pianos and guitars also have their own trouble of making it sound natural compared to the soundfont/synths we will hear.
  11. Haha, that's always an interesting field lol! I think one thing that I'm interested in personally is how audio can transform. Like right now we can add reverb and things live, but I'd find it really nice if I could get an eletric violin and play it extremely similar to an acoustic (there's a huge difference in terms of sound production and electrics are kinda like chopping off an arm cause the bow kinda becomes useless due to only having a consistent volume/pressure of sound...). We're already seeing lots of improvements but hopefully we can get to a point where you only need to pay like a few hundred for a mic/speakers that'll emit a desired sound you want, and eventually one can just have a single electric violin that can switch between acoustic and w.e. other sounds. But that seems incredibly far off so for right now, I'm just hoping for lots of advances in the music space that makes it more accessible and cooler!
  12. I mean I think ChatGPT answered it very well. The question kinda felt like "So ghosts exist, has anyone seen or interacted with a ghost before" and ChatGPT gave an answer that is, a bit of history/context, and that we should be very skeptical about these things since there are no scientific papers or at least any good multitudes of them. I guess if you wanted it more in a "What if" setting, you could emphasize that much more since ChatGPT is most likely processing that as "Dude's asking a question as to whether or not it's real and if someone has done it"
  13. Yea I have noticed if there's a female MC there has to be some weird bizarre romance or it has to be super erotic for BL/Yuri. Kinda made me avoid reading any mangas with those settings if it gives even a little bit of bad vibes since the ones I keep encountering are uh weird lol. But agreed, WW should have a least some form of BL/Yuri and more F leads, albeit very seiso and not disturbing/abusive ones lol!
  14. Someone can add on to this but you can think of it like regular karma. I think they had an isssue with blending the two types in but yea, treat it like regular karma
  15. i havent read too much from the english side of things honestly, but they both die at the end is a really good one.
  16. I love that sentence, having caught up, it really does honestly, so confusing yet sometimes every so slightly clear
  17. For fantasy/action, chinese for me. Romance/society i lean towards korean novels. Really depends on the type of spice I want at the moment lol
  18. I'd be really curious about that and the logic behind it as well. My idea is that there are two souls, the MC covers both bodies while the OG resides in the cultivation world, only appearing when MC is no longer in the body. There seems to be some "Hints" that the MC does things when he isn't in that body. But I'm also really curious if there's any cultivation in the modern world. I've always found the "travel between dimension" idea to be weird if the modern world is just weak and pathetic and the only thing that remains is higher technology/friends. But I hope it gets cleared soon, but it does seem like one of those novels that shoots out a ton of hints at you and if you miss it, you'll just be like "Wait what!?!?!?"
  19. I love it~! I love finding pieces outside of Western Classical that's more on the technical side (w.e. that means for said genre/instrument) and man, dude was killing it! I'd say, always recommend regardless! The most i'd ever do is see out of my catalogue of music that I like, pick the ones that I think others might like but I also still very much like! Besides, a personal recommendation always helps express who you are to us as well~! But I feel the other comment, I stayed up all night since today is my one and only off day before I resume school and work lol. Kinda wanna go back in the days where I could grind for hours on end in a game or read a super long novel in a single night. I remember even reading the cursed MGA for like 12 hours, shutting off my brain and not thinking lol!
  20. Since there hasn't been a post like this one. Mind as well start those old forum posts or youtube "Fireplaces" where people check in and talk a bit in a more elongated format or reply to each other's day/scenario. Feel like it'd be great for a more small niche community like this one compared to discord where things can easily be sent up in the chat history, haha! To start, my day has been pretty nice. I've been practicing a piece I'm working on by Amy Beach - Romance for Violin. Lots of progress is being made and a class that I had today got cancelled since the professor realized we've been working too much in that class and we need a week off before we get into really intensive (effort wise) works. How has your day been or anything that you wanna say to mine?
  21. I agree with this. Morals and Ethics are something to ponder on and it may potentially be easy to cross a line and anger/turn away readers. But I do hope for more... neutral MCs. One that do help those close to them while not pretending to be a good guy while also just killing people if needed. I think that's why I like ED/FIOTS, besides the fact that both MCs are op and old, they both are pretty neutral. They help if they feel like it or related to them but if you were getting killed and MC has absolutely no relations to you, they'd just keep walking. Only time they'll really step and put in effort is when someone is trying to sacrifice millions of people or do some extreme horrendous plan.
  22. Agreed on this, having group discussions on many different platforms do not go well at all. It's easier to just have a system for typos and the like so TL and viewers dont have to go left and right to pick a direction.
  23. Mine would probably be Coiling Dragon. It aint the best novel but it's a nice introduction to the space and the action really engaged me to keep reading even when the romance and relationship building wasn't the best.
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