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Slowestbirthday last won the day on September 27

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  1. I have lost hope too many times and have just dropped this novel. The community never gets what we want, and I am genuinely sorry to anyone to whom I have introduced this novel.
  2. The problem is that the vast majority of available chapters have been translated (quality is unimportant), and the author releases one chapter every half a month, making translation impossible. No matter how good a novel is, it will not last. Despite its popularity, even My Longevity Simulation is not considered
  3. The first arc was good but the story fell apart in subsequent realms. This guy gets his love interest kidnapped so many times and honestly the author just starts writing some another novel after some point. There are better novels out there
  4. Edited mtl mostly. The new translation is honestly not that good
  5. I know some people recognize this name. Yep it's back! I saw a reddit post and it's confirmed that the author has restarted writing. The old ending is axed and some chapters before it was axed as well. If you enjoyed this novel this is good news for you guys
  6. Guys, it has gotten a new translation. Please check him out. He has barely got any traffic Untold Chapters
  7. Have you guys ever noticed that most of the Cn and Kr novel mcs ALWAYS have a sister. 95% of time it is a little sister and sometimes it is an older one. I mean having brothers are also possible right? Very weird...
  8. I think the chinese authors really don't give a shit about who translates the novel and I don't think they really have a say in this matter
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