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  1. eh ok I'll admit maybe I was unfair to this one. I thought it was going to be insta bad like shrouded seascape and dao of the bizarre immortal but so far it's decently paced. Will update and rewiew it when needed. I wonder if I should make a novel quality thread and end this one.
  2. thx! I'll take a better look at praise the orc
  3. thanks for the spreadsheet once again. Above is how I'd look at it. Instead of I recommend/I dont even if I dropped it, I decided to categorize the novels in whether they are worth a full read(tones of green) or not(everything else, although for different reasons)
  4. now its better: bright green(like nebulas green. I am bad at describing colors) means it's reallllly good. green means I recommend it but it's mid orange means dropped( usually read until 80% and then the author did not know how to end his story, or after some huge quality drop early on) bright yellow means hiatus but I'd read it dark yellow(etranger) means shitty ending but decent novel red means horrible ending or harem. grey means it's too fast paced to the point I couldn't get past 100 chapters. WuxiaWorld Novel Rankings (2023-12-05).xlsx
  5. some of those novels in that excel file above are actually rather mid than good. lemme cook another one that is more precise with it's ratings
  6. thanks for the excel file and the recommendations. I currently have this many novels I am reading, and most of them are in the green parts of my edit of your excel sheet. It is just that most of them aren't Good good, more like half-good
  7. blue means I'm not sure if I like it or hate it
  8. green means I like it/recommend it orange means dropped( usually read until 80% and then the author did not know how to end his story, or after some huge quality drop early on) bright yellow means hiatus but I'd read it dark yellow means shitty ending but decent novel red means horrible ending or harem. grey means it's too fast paced to the point I couldn't get past 100 chapters. WuxiaWorld Novel Rankings (2023-12-05).xlsx
  9. I've am/was reading all of those. I got pissed at yama risings ending a bit Han Li loses me at chapter 1596. It just gets too repetitive at some point. as for CP... I am still midway beetween liking and hating him. He's too much of a pushover. But I do love his novel Beyond the Timescape and everything ergen does is good so I don't really have much to say abt that.
  10. Imo ergen is one of the few that has good stuff going on.
  11. furthermore, almost all novels I have in fact spent time reading in totality started being translated in the old ww days, long before new ui. I cannot understand why there has been such a drop in overall quality/depth. Did ww actually go through all good authors?
  12. for instance. of the 120ish novels in ww I have started half. Of these 66 novels I've started, only 22 were worth finishing, although I've read 70% of almost all of them.
  13. Disclaimer: I am very salty due to the low level of almost all new novels releasing currently I have read almost all of the OG ww novels, since I've been here since around 2019ish. I'm looking for a novel that is A) Not sex focused or whatever keyboard immortal and that one with the phoenix 12 tower cock or something like that are. I am not against harem per se, but most authors think that having a harem has to be all the plot in the novel for some reason(against the gods is an example of this, so is keyboard immortal, spirit vessel(i dont remember this one all that well) and maaany others I've read here.) B) With writing that makes cultivation actually sound like they're actually having to understand the laws(looking at Desolate Era) or even cultivating beyond "i am ultra genius so I cultivate for one second" or "I ate a fruit now I understand the laws of life" or something like that. I want to understand the power levels beyond cool names. or C) With actual depth in the power system. or D) with actual plot other than wow vengeance or wow I have to kill big bad or wow I dont wanna be the good guy(proceeds to be the good guy) most novels that are currently released are just some samey power system that works mostly the same: Eat pill get strong become weak against someone stronger eat pill, with no depth to the power system other than "i can cut a mountain now" or "wow now I have to understand laws(novel proceeds to not talk directly about this at all(first immortal of the sword, the sovereings acension and many others fit right here)" . I cant take this anymore, as these are pretty much 90% of what's been releasing these last 2 years(with rare exceptions). I want a novel that is depth heavy, like Unsheathed for ex, or something that is completely different in at least some way, like coiling dragon for ex that did it's own thing.
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