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megaautist last won the day on March 21

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  1. somehow, i have a negative notification count. no idea how. clicking 'mark all as read' cleared it, but i figured i'd report this anyway since it's just kinda weird. notably, the app showed that i had 0 notifications, but it showed that i had 0 notifications even when i had unread notifications (presumably because -96 + 4 is still less than 0). the website counter remained negative but increased accordingly (like -92 when getting 4 new notifications).
  2. in my opinion, the most important thing that makes a novel good is prose. i know a lot of people would disagree with me there -- there are plenty of novels with great stories but bad translations, and plenty of people enjoy them enough to power through them anyway, but i personally can't do that. as for novels with good prose and bad storytelling... i don't think they exist. as i see it, poor characterization undermines prose (since it leads to unnatural conversations, which make for bad prose), and good characterization creates a good story, no matter what. good worldbuilding is a nice bonus, since it's much more conducive to characterization, but i don't think it's strictly necessary.
  3. there was a promotional event that increased it from 1 chapter a day to 4 chapters a day for christmas, along with several other series. this event ended on january 1st.
  4. sounds vaguely like divine throne of primordial blood, though it might not be a complete match
  5. (i tried to add a poll, but i think it didn’t work since i’m on mobile)
  6. recently, i realized that translation quality is the main thing that keeps me reading novels on wuxiaworld instead of other platforms. if a translation flows poorly or has grammar mistakes it pulls me out of the story instantly. a lot of the novels on this site have really good translations, but some of them, especially some of the earlier translations, are borderline illegible to me. i remember i tried to get into tales of demons and gods a while ago, since so many people consider it a classic, but i just couldn’t get through the translation of the first several chapters. what about you all, how important is translation quality to you? i know some people have terminal mtl brainrot, but i have a feeling that most of those people aren’t on wuxiaworld anymore.
  7. that's weird, unlocking chapters is supposed to be permanent, whether it's via wait-to-unlock or through karma. is it possible that you read them in the past for free while the novel was ongoing before the wait-to-unlock system was implemented, or that you read them for free through a vip or champion subscription?
  8. if youre gonna use chatgpt to generate a reply the least you could do is remove the formatting bro... it was already obvious from the text itself, but this is just brazen.
  9. in my experience this happens when i try to reply to a comment on a locked chapter, the solution is always just to unlock the chapter first. the system has always worked like this iirc, but it can be confusing since these comments are probably from before ongoing novels had newly released chapters locked by default, so you would make a comment while they're unlocked and then try to respond to them years later after they'd been locked.
  10. you can fix it by pasting with ctrl+shift+v instead of ctrl+v. ctrl+v is "paste", ctrl+shift+v is "paste without formatting".
  11. can’t you just sort the library by last read?
  12. i definitely agree with a lot of this — if i wanted to use the website on mobile, i would go to the mobile version of the website. the app certainly has a couple features the mobile version of the website doesn’t, but not enough to justify the complete removal of so many former app features. i get that a total rewrite was in order, but it would be nice to, like, have a couple more toggles to change things we prefer about the website or the app. stuff like toggling between tap-to-show-menu-bar and scroll-to-show-menu-bar, for example. the scrolling thing is really janky even after you get used to it, the tap toggle was a lot more predictable.
  13. seems like an interesting concept but it's super scuffed as it is right now. the website is really clunky and the links reload the page (in some browsers opening it in a new tab). the combat menu is super opaque and it's very unclear what's actually going on when we click "fight", especially given how static all the pages are. sure, the numbers tell us how to win, but nothing tells me the character is actually in combat when i click the fight button and there's no flavor text beyond "you won" or "you lost" to add context. there are a lot of good browser-based idle games out there, but if making this game web-based is a ux limitation you can't figure out how to get past, you should probably just make it as a regular game. it also kinda looks like this game has fallen into the blunder of writing a lot of plot and story (given the quest descriptions and stuff) before properly fleshing out the game mechanics and ux. integrating writing with game design is much harder than just designing a fun game or just writing an engaging plot. anyway, good luck, i hope you stick with developing it.
  14. what's the process of translating like for you guys? like, what goes on behind the scenes to produce the chapters we end up seeing? also, what do each of you do?
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