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  1. I don't think I've seen Tribulation of Myriad Races mentioned yet. Bit of a slow burn and still relatively new but there should be more than enough chapters out to see if youre hooked or not. Good comedy, good translation, and it's just now starting to take off more fight-wise. Idk if you can see the sneak peeks but Star Gate by the same author has just started to come out with chapters and seems promising as well.
  2. I've always asked myself how the popular this week section is updated but never thought to actually ask so here we are. I kinda just assumed it automatically updated the most read novels per week but after seeing MGA and ATG there for the 200th week in a row and some of the other 'classic'(arguably boring and predictable) novels not move and not some of the newer and engaging ones, idk. Maybe there's just a crazy amount of lurkers in those novels chapters who don't leave reviews(MGA for example w its 49%) but I dont get how some of the newer, really well received novels still arent there. This is a yapping masterclass and it really doesn't matter at all, I've j been curious about it for a while. Edit: holy shit cant believe I forgot TDG, thats what started my curiosity. That shit was up there for well over a year after the chapters stopped.
  3. I posted a comment through the app on the announcement about the launch of the new app and it disappeared, either deleted or just a bug. Wasn't anything crazy so I really don't think it was deleted and think it just vanished. That being said, I've always thought about how convenient it would be to add the Recently Read scroll bar to the website but never really had a place to voice that or cared enough to propose it. The new app reworked the Recently Read tab and you can effectively view your reading history for the past 3 novels you've read. Although I don't know the exact number, the old scroll bar could show me novels in order from months ago that I forgot I was reading. It's super convenient, would be the only way I get to the novels I'm staying caught up on. Plus, a quick scroll to the side and I can see novels I forgot I was reading and have had quite a few chapters build up to binge. So yeah, ik the new app was kinda getting chewed apart on the announcement and I agree with that general sentiment but here's my two cents on a specific thing that could be added/changed. Sorry it feels like all new changes being introduced just get hate initially but if there's one thing I've found you can guarantee about readers of translated novels its that we can act a bit spoiled. I got an iPhone 12, iOS 16.1.1 if that actually was a bug and not just my comment getting sniped or not showing up for me.
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