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Daoist_DarkSLight last won the day on December 1 2023

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  1. you should venture into discord and reddit to get these answers fellow daoist
  2. I had an inkling of doubt about whysee's gender considering them being very polite almost japanese like in their response, dedication & bot like commitment when it comes to making corrections in the chapters and was about to ask that as a question but .. " You might be interested to know why Whysee started translating, what she likes about YA, or simply what her hobbies are. now i know! Also for a question, 1.) How many chapters will this novel end at (predictably or otherwise) and when will the mystery regarding the Black Pagoda will ever be solved ? 2.) How does whysee make corrections to the typos in chapter which we mention through comments; so fast ? 3.) Does whysee like cats or dogs more ?
  3. Yeah thanks for that. I noticed recently that the change isn't reflected that easily which is a great thing!
  4. There is a contact us in the page bottom which also seems like a post. Take a screenshot of what kind of error message or difficulty you face and try messaging.. Maybe they will notice you
  5. Spend all free karma then golden karma gets used up automatically. Picking a new (for you) but completed book is a good way to start
  6. Have you heard of web apps? It is the browser's feature of installing a web page like an app. So I have a Samsung browser which I used to install the site as an app & on the pc using edge browser.
  7. This is already present in the app. Try it on for now. The website used to have it but not now. There is no favourite button(personal bookmarking) in the app for each novel chapter & we can't reply to a reply comment made in our og comment long back cause we need to unlock it and the app only shows the comment without the chapter essentially making me login to the website (or web app) for that chapter to automatically unlock (or unlock manually) then reply to that comment ๐Ÿ˜•
  8. Good sir, where is the favourite chapter button or โ™ฅ๏ธ in the app ?
  9. @meeno for me i piled up karma in the 10 thousands as a free user (the 3 month trial period at the start when they tried to implement this system) so I took a new novel called Immortal Emperor but it was so wordy & numerous that all my karma got spent and I had to go outside to read it to completion with the occasional comming here and there when karma gets available every day
  10. That is true. What I want is for that chapter ro either 1. auto-unlock (using free thing) else 2. prompt to unlock the chapter first and redirect or 3. Can only enable us to comment to that particular thread. This is easily achievable in web site (mobile or desktop) but not in mobile app which feels like a punishment for using it to check notifications!
  11. until

    for Korean I chose Rainbow turtle (easy choice cause it seems to be the only Korean novel i read that is listed) but Chinese novel translator, it was tough choosing 1. Any translator who includes translator thoughts in every chapter are to my liking, in the novels I read previously it was DeathBlade in ISSTH & Etvolare in Sovereign of 3 realms who used to do that and add extra info at the end. In recent times doge guy & chacha seem to straight up all meme pictures at the end which are quite hilarious ๐Ÿ˜† But if I have only 1 option to vote it will be for 'JohnChen' the Rmji translator who remade sentences itself so that the novel which was a nightmare to binge due to it's sentence structures being super hard to imagine -> to easily being able to understand and imagine the fighting sequences in our head. It had 2 or 3 translators working on it, they did do a good job but the last one made me not quit the book. So I voted for him.
  12. It would really great to donate or transfer karma through accounts, barring those accounts must be a certain months old and such. Or atleast a way to request or give/reward free karma to comments (users) irrespective of their VIP status of champion status. These kind of features will be a positive loop for the community in wuxiaworld but the top level people are only gonna be concerned with short term profits so this is a Big If statement.
  13. I would love to be your friend ๐Ÿ˜† like your thought process. Transfer karma is a nice option which they could implement for free karma first. After a long time i convinced my friend to use this site but he was checkmated by karma lock ๐Ÿ” so he just ditched the site and went to read it in pirated sites like he used to read ๐Ÿฅฒ I too can do the same but I love to read and write โœ๏ธ comments so that isn't so convenient for me cause webnovel was shite and then I discover light novel c@ve which is very strict in comments but definitely has huge userbase so there is that.
  14. This has always been the problem. Couldn't just go back chapters when the comments redirect to some random chapter and the chapter read count changes and we don't know which one we read ... ๐Ÿฅฒ The only solution we have is to constantly play around with lock bookmark feature.
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