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  1. Here we go again. I had to log in but when redirected back to the chapter page I got this message. I tried this multiple times but I can't seem to load the chapter. I'm using a MacBook, not the app.
  2. I tried to answer a prior post but got the message "An internal error has occurred" after I clicked on "Submit." After trying many times, I decided to go read something else and try again later. When I returned, there were 8 copies of my reply posted. I then tried to post a note letting the person know WW's site was having problems. I got the SAME message. I did not try posting again but came here to let you know about the problem.
  3. It's not working, again. I was reading a comment and "BOOM" I was signed out again.
  4. I can complete logging in but when I'm referred back to the book page, I'm no longer logged in. I'm using a MacBook, not the app.
  5. ‷̵𐑱₍̗ᵔᕑ₎̖𐑲 Since things are wrapping up, I wish you and your family every happiness, good health, and abundant prosperity!
  6. There have been endless comments as to whether or not Long Chen has a dantian. I say he does because in Chapter 2 it states, "Normal martial artists would let the medicinal energy assimilate inside the Dantian in order to absorb it, and only later would they spread it throughout their bodies. However, Long Chen didn’t have a Spirit Root; thus, his Dantian was completely empty and had no way to store energy." Your word carries more weight. So, does Long Chen have a dantian?
  7. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
  8. ‷₍𐑲ᐠ ͒ᕑ₎ʃ𐑲 What do you do to relax after an insanely difficult day of translating/editing? What are your top ten favorite books of all time? (If you're a bookaholic like me, feel free to mention more than 10.) If you could swap places with a character in a book, who would that person be? (If you want to live multiple interesting/adventurous lives, tell us about more than one!) What are your favorite things to eat? What are your favorite things to cook? If you're a foodie, what are the best foods/dishes/meals you've ever eaten? Do you have any pets? What are their names and why did you give them those names? What do they do that makes you happy or annoys the heck out of you? What are a few of your hobbies? How did you get into them and why do you continue to do them? If you were rich beyond dreams of avarice, what would you travel to see/do and why? What questions do you wish you had been asked in this Q&A and what are the answers to those questions?
  9. Thanks, Seth, for committing to translate this massive story. I look forward to reading it every day and your footnotes are fun and helpful!
  10. Will Su Yi ever upgrade his bamboo wicker chair? Will Su Yi continue to quote poetry? Will we eventually find out Qing Wan's background? What happened to the baby Jade-Eyed Crimson Flamebeast that Su Yi promised to keep by his side and train? (Ch 162) Su Yi poked the little guy’s soft belly. “Its spirit bone is barely passable, but I’m not sure whether the trace of True Spirit lineage in its blood is pure or not. Out of consideration for your assistance in establishing my Dao, I can keep it by my side and train it up.”
  11. My favorite western show series might be Star Trek: The Next Generation! (Any Trekkies out there!) 🙋🏼‍♀️ Star Trek: TOS is still my favorite, followed by Deep Space 9. Do you also like the Stargate series? I loved Stargate SG-1. OK, now you know why the title attracted my attention. I know a lot about old SF and Fantasy because I've read a lot of it. I love the way they would describe things. It's similar to the science in these Chinese stories, back then you could get to Mars from the desert just by yearning to be there (Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series - aka the Dray Prescott stories). I really liked your translation of Necropolis Immortal a lot. So, I can't wait to read this story as well. Sadly, I've been incredibly busy and didn't manage to get to it before this Q&A. Sorry. Thanks for taking up a new story! With you and Bel Shamharoth working as a team, this one should be awesome.
  12. on twitter @blipbloc Do you mean X? If so, you better get another account. I don't think that platform will be around much longer. They only have one advertiser left. How about Discord?
  13. I like the fact that I'm learning a lot from this story, the four seasons and their correspondence to the astrology, 24 solar terms, the 12 earthly branches and the 10 heavenly stems, along with the 60-year system of time! I never thought I would need to know those to get immersed in a story. The occasional chengyu is fun too. OK, I use that to justify reading these stories. So far, it's worked. No one has told me I'm wasting my time. The person who helps with translations, when I beg nicely, was even impressed when I mentioned goose feather snow (鹅毛大雪 é máo dà xu), a heavy snowfall consisting of very large heavy snowflakes. So, I'm looking forward to what kind of interesting things the author covers next. Any hints?
  14. How about more translator notes/art? I like to know what you're thinking about the story and if there is anything we should be paying attention to.
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