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  1. Fellow Daoists converge on the forum, these poets will definitely maintain decorum!
  2. Get your poetry on, Fellow Daoists! In honor of Ancient Emperor Dark Serenity and Wu Jianwu, we’re having a poetry contest here at Wuxiaworld. The rules Post a poem in this thread. Limit 5 entries. Only put one poem per reply post. If your poem requires context or explanation, that’s fine, but please keep each post as simple as possible. You may submit up to 5 entries, but please only have one poem per post. The poem should be composed of two lines, similar to the poems commonly recited by Wu Jianwu in the novel. Please, no long form poetry. If you want a refresher, you can check out chapter 144, which was when Wu Jianwu first appeared in the story. Rhyming is encouraged but not required. Poem topics should be centered around: Beyond the Timescape characters, events, concepts, etc. Er Gen Universe topics Xianxia and/or wuxia genre, tropes, etc. Wuxiaworld-related themes. Do not clutter the thread with unnecessary discussion. A response or comment is okay, but keep the thread as clean as possible. NO SPOILERS. This means to not spoil anything from chapters of BTT that have not been released publicly on WW. Things from AWE, ISSTH, and RI are fair game, but please be respectful of other readers and don't spoil things unnecessarily. Show your support by smashing the LIKE button on the poems you enjoy. Please keep the thread at the PG-13 level. No poems that are obscene, profane, offensive, etc. Be respectful to the author, translator, other readers, genre, culture, etc. Have fun! Prizes, winner selection method, and other details This thread will remain open until about April 8 at 7:00 p.m. Pacific time. That will coincide with the release of chapter 576.2. At that point, I’ll pick roughly 10 finalists. I will be checking the “likes” on the posts, so poems with lots of upvotes will receive special consideration. That said, the selection of the finalists will be based on my subjective opinion. I will post a poll to allow readers to vote for their favorites, a link to which will be put in this thread as well as an announcement post on Beyond the Timescape. The results of the voting will be revealed on April 12 via announcement. There will be one 1st place winner, two 2nd place, and two 3rd place. The prizes are as follows: 1st place: 3,000 karma 2nd place: 1,000 karma 3rd place: 600 karma Assets and tools You might find a rhyming dictionary helpful A thesaurus can also be very useful And with that, have at it!
  3. Just so you know, what you're describing is not wuxia. It's xianxia or xuanhuan. If you want help with Chinese names, you can use a naming guide I generated for the wuxia ttrpg I designed. Black and white version. Color version. Those are for actual names. If you're looking for colorful nicknames, daoist names, etc., you can use the xianxia name generator I designed.
  4. Okay, so here's the thing. I DID respond to this. I remember typing out answers to all these questions, specifically because I left a link in one of the answer (see below). However, the response obviously didn't get posted to the thread. So... who knows. Maybe I didn't hit "submit reply" or something along those lines. In any case, here are the answers: 1) I honestly don't know about that. The boom is definitely over. And there seems to be a much greater supply than demand. But is the deman actually declining? That, I'm not totally sure of. 2) You could start here. Beyond that, just dig into whatever resources interest you that you can find. 3) They both have their ups and downs. Nowadays, you can't just choose to do traditional publishing. You need an agent to talk to any of the big publishers, and that requires having a complete manuscript and doing a ton of query letters. You might have luck snagging an indie publisher. The downside to Amazon is that the market is absolutely flooded right now, making success a challenge, especially for complete beginners. 4) My experience is that most Chinese people are pleasantly surprised, and in some cases, shocked that Westerners would even like this kind of stuff. There are some commmunities like you're talking about, but I'm not very familiar with them.
  5. Whoops, I apologize! Hmmm, it's kind of late now, so I'll pop back tomorrow and answer the questions!
  6. 7. Be as thorough as possible when intially coming up with your character concept. That includes physical description, personality, backstory etc. That way all of those things, to some extent, come naturally, and you're not just making stuff up as you go along. 8. That's hard to say. I'm probably going to make a placeholder video soon to say "channel on indefinite hiatus." Life is too crazy right now for me to create content on YouTube. But as my kids get older and whatnot, i might go back to more regular content creation. 9. Try the Stainless Steel Rat series. It's traditional fiction, not web lit. 10. There are none that bother me so much I would say I can't stand them. What I do hate is filler repetition. 11. I don't really have one favorite thing in any of those categories. There are too many good things in life to narrow down preferences to only one thing 12. For an average sized chapter without difficult content (like poetry, foreshadowing stuff, complicated idioms or cultural references, etc.) I could probably do it in an hour if I focused. Maybe even less for a very easy chapter. That said, I have to take a break every half-chapter when I translate, otherwise I run out of mental bandwidth before the work day is over. So when you add in breaks, it's usually more like 1.5 hours per chapter. Plus I take a longer break for lunch. And that's not taking into consideration difficult translation stuff. There are times when delving into one paragraph might end up costing me thirty minutes, just that one paragraph.
  7. At this point I think I've answered all the questions in the thread so far. If anyone else has questions, put them below!
  8. Hi there. My son is doing good. My daughter is now about as old as he was when I finished ISSTH and started AWE. The situation with Meng Hao and his love interest(s) was left open-ended on purpose by the author. I'm unaware of any after story with them. I think the power ranking is subjective. The author could probably write an individual fight scene in which each MC beats all the other MCs. And we have no idea what has happened off-screen after the ending of the various novels. In other words, any given MC could have experienced breakthroughs or whatever that make them even stronger than when their novel ended. So I think such questions are inherently impossible to answer objectively.
  9. Dialogue and character development scenes are my favorite to translate for sure. For the most part, I do force myself to translate no matter how I feel. Even when sick. There is a point in which, if I'm too sick, I can't physically do it. I have to have a schedule that I maintain to A) meet quotas and B) not burn out. One way I avoid burnout is getting ahead on work as much as possible. I like to have a personal stockpile of chapters that I can use if I get sick or a family emergency arises. Unfortunately, now that I have two kids, it's harder than ever. Going into summer of last year, I had something like 40 chapters in my personal stockpile. But I had so many instances of sickness or family emergency in summer of 2023 that by the time the new school year started, I only had 3 or 4 chapters under my belt. That small of a stockpile stresses me out. I still haven't really recovered from summer of 2023, and we're already closing in on summer of 2024, so that makes me nervous.
  10. I don't think I will ever stop doing translating in some form or another. But the same goes for original novels. I'm currently on contract with the publisher of my original works. I have a trilogy to finish with them. The first book is done and will be released soon, which means I have at least two more books to write for them. After that, I have other ideas for original works that I want to bring to life.
  11. I'm not really sure what you mean. The novel is ongoing in Chinese and is currently inching toward 1,000 chapters. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be in total.
  12. 1. The first novel I wrote was when I was in my early twenties, and it was never published. It was a lot of fun. The first novel I wrote that was published (albeit self-published) was Legends of Ogre Gate. It was also fun to write, but challenging because it's based on a world and characters that I didn't create myself, so I had to do a lot of work to make it faithful to the inspiration material. 2. That's honestly too complicated of a question to ask, and also very subjective. What some people think are strengths could be weaknesses to others, and vice versa. 3. Wuxiaworld does not have print rights, so no, it probably won't happen. 4. I do not represent Wuxiaworld as a whole. I've always picked my own team personally. For Wuxiaworld editors, I know that Wuxiaworld has an application and testing process. 5. No. 6. That's a topic that you could write articles and books about. And of course there are many, many youtube videos about the subject. I do not have one single process personally. I have done it in many ways throughout the years, from planning out characters in detail before writing to letting them develop naturally.
  13. Things like poetry, songs, ancient prophecies, etc. Another very challenging thing is that Chinese does not treat proper nouns the way we do in English. It's always a challenge to decide what to capitalize and what to not capitlize. What names are actually names, which ones are nicknames, daoist names, etc. And the foreshadowing is also difficult, especially because sometimes I have to make translation choices that won't be explained for hundreds of chapters, and in some casese, the explanation is forthcoming in chapters the author hasn't written yet.
  14. 1. Sorry, I cannot lol 2. As I've said elsewhere, I am not some voracious reader of Chinese novels. I spend so much time translating that I don't want to spend my free time entertaining myself with the same stuff I spend all day working on. 3. Putting aside MCs (and forgetting the Captain since he's an obvious choice), I really liked Yuwen Jian. I know that's random, but he always stuck out to me. 4. I have no idea about Er Gen's plans.
  15. Wuxiaworld does not own the print rights to the books, as far as I know.
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