WangHengZhu Posted May 24 Share Posted May 24 中南山脚下的古景庙 在中南山脚下,在山的深处,有一个注定不会出现在地图上的小村庄。 这个村庄很小,只有你的手掌那么大。只有81个家庭,不多也不少。 根据村里不清晰的羊皮纸家谱记录,村里的历史可以追溯到几百年前。明万历年间,村落先祖在中南山脚下的山坳扎根,一直落户至今。 村民们以古姓为主,历代的族长,甚至今天的村长,都是古姓的人。 三条村规中的第一条,就是村民要养八十一户,多一户人家就被赶出去,少一户人家就生下来。 第二条村规:81 祖屋只能修缮,不能拆。也就是说,村里的房子从建成之时起就必须保持不变。即使它无法生存,也必须在同一地点重建。 前两条村规看似不人道,但可以接受,但第三条却有点荒谬。 村里81名村民一辈子都要赡养村里道观的道士。他们不应该违抗他们,否则他们将被驱逐出自己的家庭。 违反前两条村规的,同上! 三个村庄的规则从未被违反过。虽然几百年过去了,今天的村民们不知道这些规矩从何而来,但他们都知道一个道理:村里的村民很少生病,也很少惹祸。基本上,每个家庭都有平静的生活。村民81户312人,100岁以上有109人。那些90岁高龄的人在繁忙的农耕季节仍然可以工作,令人惊讶的是,在方圆200多英里的范围内,只有这个村庄有这么多长寿的人。 相反,迁出古井村的村民没有村里那么多的长寿人口,虽然没有遭受严重灾害。 村子叫古靖村,支撑的道观叫古靖寺。 古靖寺建在古靖村中间的一座小山上,村子周围有序排列着81座古姓祖屋。 如果有人能从高处往下看,他会发现一个惊人的场景。八十一宫的布置与八卦几乎一模一样,道观位于占卜之眼。 可惜,自古以来,从来没有人到中南山顶去发现这一幕。其实,就算有人坐飞机飞上飞下,也只会发现古井村和古井寺上空总有一层白雾。村子和道观都看不见。 古井村小,古井寺小。它不仅很小,而且破旧不堪。 道观历史悠久。它与古井村同时建成。几百年过去了,道观也没修好。红色的院墙已经倒塌了。两扇门都倒在了一边。院子里的地砖也被打破了。道观大殿更是破败不堪。 这似乎是一座没有香火的道观。 其实,这座道观是没有香火的。几百年来,很少有人进入古井寺。即使是当地的村民也不会随便进入。只有族长或村长才能在重要场合进入道观。平日里寺庙里人很少。 因为古靖寺里只有三个半人。 一个身穿道袍的邋里邋遢老者,常年在道观的一棵老槐树下打瞌睡。 三清殿内,三清雕像前,坐着一个拿着锈迹斑斑的铁剑的中年男子。 还有一个二十多岁的年轻人,整天住在道观的佛经阁里,很少出门。 至于另一半,则是八年前踏出古京寺,再也没有回来的武师兄。 太阳西下山,中南山夜幕降临! 古井村的户家户户都开始生火做饭了。片刻之后,三十九户从一位中年妇女中走出来,手里拿着水桶,快步走向她家后面山上的道观。女子来到道观门口,将手中的水桶放在破旧的门中间。然后她恭敬地向寺庙鞠了一躬,但没有看里面。 这是古井村几百年来的规矩。每天,三餐都会由一家人送到古靖寺门口。 老槐树下邋遢的道士睁开浑浊的眼睛,缓缓站起身来,走到门口,拿起水桶,然后回到槐树下。这时,大厅里那个拿着铁剑的中年男子缓缓走了过来,阁楼上的年轻人走在最后。三人盘腿坐在树下,打开桶,桶里装满了新做好的米饭和三道家常菜。道士、中年男子、年轻人拿起筷子开始吃饭。 吃饭的场景很奇怪。三人从头到尾一句话都没说,只有轻微的咀嚼食物的声音。三个人吃得很慢。他们放进嘴里的每一口食物都会被咀嚼 36 次,而且非常缓慢。于是他们吃了一顿普通的晚餐,吃了将近一个小时。 吃过晚饭,三人一起放下碗筷。邋遢的老道士右手的食指和中指突然颤抖得毫无征兆。他皱了皱眉头,然后从道袍中取出三枚铜钱,在手中掂量了一下,扔在了面前的空地上。 T 邋里邋遢的老道士和青年同时看向了地上的铜钱。年轻人的表情震惊而奇怪。老道士抬头看向道观的西北方向。 什么也没说 拿着铁剑的中年男子站起身来,接过水桶,放在了殿外门前。他转身回到了三清殿。过了一会儿,大厅里传来一阵清脆的声音。中年男子又回来了,递给年轻人一块长20厘米长的铁片,上面布满了锈迹。 少年盯着怀中的半铁剑,道:“武叔,你为什么要这么做? 中年男子平静地说:“你不在庙里的时候,我没有什么可以送给你的礼物。再说了,用剑也没关系......不管它是否锋利。 一直望着西北的老道士也接过面前的三枚铜钱递给青年,但他还是没说什么。这一次,青年毫不犹豫的接了过来,然后又坐在了老道士身边的槐树下。 三人这次没有回到自己的位置,只是坐在老槐树下。 ······两天前,中南山西北。 三辆挂着姬B牌照的越野车驶向中南山脚下。当他们开车到山脚下时,他们无法开车进山。如果他们想进山,他们必须走路。车子稳稳停下后,几个人站在车旁鞠躬行礼。终于,一个五十多岁的中年男子从越野车里走了出来,他穿着一件黑色的紧身羊毛大衣,眉头紧锁。他看起来非常憔悴。 中年男子看着中南山,似乎松了一口气。他转头对三十多岁的男人说:“金忠,你跟我上山,其他人都在这里等着。 那个叫金忠的男人迟疑地问道:“老大......我们应该带更多的人去方便 看病,在山上......” 老板淡淡摆了摆手,道:“就你我,人多了就麻烦多了。 金忠深知,只要他做出决定,老板就永远不会改变他的决定。然后他立即停止了胡说八道。他从车里掏出一个巨大的旅行包,背在背上,跟着中年男子进了山。 进入中南山脉后,在城里娇生惯养的两个人,就像长征一样。在山路上走了两天多,骨头都断了,吃得很厉害,可是两人都没说一句话 中年男子越往目的地走去,憔悴的表情越是柔和,而老板却沉默不语,忠心耿耿的男人也说不出话来。 两天后,天色渐暗,金忠和 老板已经走到了一座山顶。他们俩手里都拿着望远镜,望着西北方向。镜头里隐约可见一个小山村的轮廓,老板长长地呼出一口气。他紧绷的表情完全放松下来,坐在地上大口大口地喘着粗气。 老大,前面应该是我们要去的地方 “中南山脉......世人只知道中南山有隐士,还有道教创始人全真道教。呵呵,不过很少有人知道,中南山有一座古京寺。老板站起身来,反手走到山脚下,道:“从今往后,你所见所闻,都要在肚子里啪啪作响,一句话都不要从嘴里跳出来。 景忠愣了愣,哪怕他和老板的关系接近了,表情也变得严肃起来。他不记得他的老板有多久没有警告过任何人了。 自从他跟着老大走后,他们领地里没有人能承受得起被老大警告的代价。 三个半小时后,天色已黑,但好在两人加快了行进速度,终于到达了古京村。这时,村子里的灯几乎都熄灭了,大部分家庭都已经休息了。景忠和老大没有停下脚步,径直朝着村子中间山上的古京寺而去。 到了山脚下,老板让景忠在下面等着,独自向山上的道观走去。破败的道观只给了老板片刻的疑惑,然后他又像往常一样,站在门口,用手指敲了敲一旁道观歪歪扭扭的大门。 过了一会儿,一个年轻人走到老板面前。老板毫不犹豫,直接说道:“陈良的后人,老祖宗曾警告过,如果陈家遇到麻烦,可以去中南山古京道观避难。 年轻人点了点头,说:“随便找个地方休息吧。天亮后,我会跟着你出山 河北省唐山市拥有庞大的商业帝国,属于宝信系列。 河北一半的能源、矿产、房地产都被宝信系列渗透了。宝信系列一直走在京津翼三角片区商业版图的前列,近几十年来也延伸到其他地区。然而,宝信是一个隐性的存在。 没有一个普通的中国人知道宝信系列的存在,也从未听说过。甚至商业界的绝大多数商人都没有意识到这一点 宝信是一个代名词,一个控制着数十家公司的财团。很少有人知道,宝信的领导是陈。每次国内富豪榜在八卦新闻上公布后,陈的直系亲属看到榜单顶端的名字后,都带着微笑和几分不屑。 宝信是一个代名词,一个控制着数十家公司的财团。很少有人知道,宝信的领导是陈。每次八卦新闻公布国内富豪榜,陈的直系亲属看到榜单顶端的名字,都带着微笑和几分不屑。 在中国,有些人甚至花钱邀请他们上榜,他们会把你踢出去。显然,陈家属于那些不在名单上的人。 关于宝信家族中陈家的兴衰,鲜为人知,但熟悉的人似乎听说过一个传闻,说陈家的祖先在战争年代与一位道士有染,似乎陈家从此才开始显现出成功的迹象。 对于这些,陈家从不辩解,不否认,也不承认,因为大多数陈家成员也不知道他们是如何建立起这个商业帝国的,只有陈家掌舵人才真正知道其中的秘密。 这一代,掌舵陈家的人叫陈三金。 站在中南山脚下,古靖寺门前! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freewheeler Posted June 7 Share Posted June 7 Mate, I recommend you translate it to English before posting. And add some explanation. MTL: Spoiler Gujing Temple at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, in the mountain's deep recesses, there is a small village destined not to appear on any map. The village is small, only about as large as your hand. There are only 81 families, no more, no less. According to the village's unclear genealogy records, the history of the village can be traced back a few hundred years. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty (1573-1620), the ancestors of the village took root in the col (a dip on a mountain ridge between two peaks) at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain and have settled there to this day. The villagers mainly have ancient surnames, and the patriarchs of the past dynasties, and even the village chiefs today, are all people with ancient surnames. The first of the three village rules is that villagers must always maintain eighty-one households. If there is one more household, it must be driven out, and if there is one less household, it must be established. The second village rule: The eighty-one ancestral homes can only be repaired, not demolished. In other words, the houses in the village must remain unchanged from the time they are built. Even if one doesn't survive, it must be rebuilt on the same site. The first two village rules may seem inhumane but acceptable, but the third is a bit ridiculous. The 81 village families in the village have to support the Taoist priests in the village's Taoist temple throughout their lives. They should not disobey them or they will be expelled from their families. The same applies to those who violate the first two village rules! The three village rules were never violated. Although hundreds of years have passed and today's villagers don't know where these rules come from, they all know one thing: villagers in the village rarely get sick and rarely get into trouble. Basically, every family has a peaceful life. There are 312 villagers in 81 households, 109 of whom are over 100 years old. Those who are 90 years old are still able to work during the busy farming season. It is amazing that this village is the only one in more than 200 miles with so many people who have lived a long life. On the contrary, the villagers who moved out of Gujing Village did not have as many longevitous people in the village, although they did not suffer serious disasters. The village is called Gujing Village, and the Taoist temple supporting it is called Gujing Temple. Gujing Temple is built on a hill in the middle of Gujing Village. There are 81 ancestral houses with ancient surnames arranged in an orderly manner around the village. If someone could look down from a high place, he would find an amazing scene. The layout of the Eighty-one Palace is almost identical to that of the Bagua, with the Taoist Temple located at the Eye of Divination. Unfortunately, since ancient times, no one has ever gone to the top of Zhongnan Mountain to discover this scene. In fact, even if someone flies up and down by plane, they will only find that there is always a layer of white mist over Gujing Village and Gujing Temple. Neither the village nor the Taoist temple can be seen. Gujing Village is small and Gujing Temple is small. Not only was it small, it was also run down. Taoist temples have a long history. It was built at the same time as Gujing Village. Hundreds of years have passed, and the Taoist temple has not been repaired. The red courtyard wall has collapsed. Both doors fell aside. The floor tiles in the yard were also broken. The Taoist temple hall is even more dilapidated. This seems to be a Taoist temple without incense. In fact, there is no incense in this Taoist temple. For hundreds of years, few people have entered Gujing Temple. Even local villagers will not enter casually. Only clan leaders or village chiefs can enter Taoist temples on important occasions. There are very few people in the temple on weekdays. Because there are only three and a half people in Gujing Temple. A slovenly old man in Taoist robes has been dozing under an old locust tree in the Taoist temple all year round. In the Sanqing Hall, in front of the statue of Sanqing, sat a middle-aged man holding a rusty iron sword. There is also a young man in his twenties who lives in the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Taoist temple all day long and rarely goes out. As for the other half, it was Brother Wu who left Gujing Temple eight years ago and never came back. The sun sets in the west and night falls on Zhongnan Mountain! Every household in Gujing Village has begun to light a fire for cooking. After a while, a middle-aged woman from the thirty-ninth household walked out, holding a bucket in her hand, and walked quickly to the Taoist temple on the mountain behind her house. The woman came to the door of the Taoist temple and placed the bucket in her hand in the middle of the dilapidated door. Then she bowed respectfully to the temple without looking inside. This has been the rule of Gujing Village for hundreds of years. Every day, three meals will be delivered to the door of Gujing Temple by the family. The slovenly Taoist priest under the old locust tree opened his cloudy eyes, stood up slowly, walked to the door, picked up the bucket, and returned to the locust tree. At this time, the middle-aged man holding an iron sword in the hall slowly walked over, and the young man in the attic walked last. The three of them sat cross-legged under the tree and opened the bucket. The bucket was filled with freshly cooked rice and three home-cooked dishes. Taoist priests, middle-aged men, and young people picked up their chopsticks and started eating. The meal scene was strange. The three of them didn't say a word from beginning to end, there was only a slight sound of chewing food. The three of them ate slowly. Every bite of food they put in their mouths is chewed 36 times, very slowly. So they had a regular dinner, which lasted nearly an hour. After dinner, the three of them put down their dishes and chopsticks together. The index finger and middle finger of the dirty old Taoist priest's right hand suddenly trembled without any warning. He frowned, then took out three copper coins from his Taoist robe, weighed them in his hand, and threw them on the open ground in front of him. T The sloppy old Taoist priest and the young man looked at the copper coins on the ground at the same time. The young man's expression was shocked and strange. The old Taoist priest looked up to the northwest of the Taoist temple. said nothing The middle-aged man holding the iron sword stood up, took the bucket, and placed it in front of the door outside the temple. He turned around and returned to Sanqing Hall. After a while, a crisp sound came from the hall. The middle-aged man came back again and handed the young man a piece of iron 20 centimeters long, which was covered with rust. The young man stared at the half-iron sword in his arms and said, "Uncle Wu, why are you doing this? The middle-aged man said calmly: "When you are not in the temple, I have nothing to give you as a gift. Besides, it doesn't matter if you use a sword...regardless of whether it is sharp or not. The old Taoist priest who had been looking northwest also took the three copper coins in front of him and handed them to the young man, but he still said nothing. This time, the young man took it without hesitation, and then sat under the locust tree next to the old Taoist priest. The three of them did not return to their seats this time, but just sat under the old locust tree. ······Two days ago, northwest of Zhongnan Mountain. Three off-road vehicles with Ji B license plates drove towards the foot of Zhongnan Mountain. When they drove to the bottom of the mountain, they could not drive into the mountain. If they want to go into the mountains, they have to walk. After the car stopped steadily, several people stood beside the car and bowed. Finally, a middle-aged man in his fifties stepped out of the off-road vehicle. He was wearing a tight black woolen coat and frowned. He looked very haggard. The middle-aged man looked at Zhongnan Mountain and seemed to be relieved. He turned to the man in his thirties and said: "Jin Zhong, follow me up the mountain, everyone else, wait here. The man named Jin Zhong asked hesitantly: "Boss... we should take more people to make things convenient and in case we need to treat an injury, up the mountain..." The boss waved his hand calmly and said, "No, just you and me. If there are more people, it will be more trouble. Jin Zhong knows that as long as he makes a decision, his boss will never change his decision. So he immediately stopped talking nonsense. He took out a huge travel bag from the car, put it on his back, and followed the middle-aged man into the mountains. After entering the Zhongnan Mountains, the two pampered people from the city resemvled those on the Long March. After walking on the mountain road for more than two days, their bones were broken and they were very hungry, but neither of them said a word. As the middle-aged man walked toward his destination, his haggard expression became softer, but the boss remained silent, and the loyal man kept equally mum. Two days later, as the sky grew dark, Jin Zhong and his boss had reached the top of a mountain. They both held telescopes in their hands and looked northwest. The outline of a small mountain village was vaguely visible in the lens, and the boss let out a long breath. His tense expression completely relaxed, and he sat on the ground breathing heavily. Boss, the front should be our travel destination. "Zhongnan Mountains... The world only knows that there are hermits in Zhongnan Mountain and the founder of Taoism, Quanzhen Taoism. Haha, but few people know that there is an ancient Jing Temple in Zhongnan Mountain. The boss stood up and walked over to the foot of the mountain, he said: "From now on, no matter what you see and hear, leave all the crackling and noise making to your stomach, and do not let a single word come out of your mouth." Jing Zhong was stunned, his expression became serious even though his relationship with his boss was getting closer. He couldn't remember how long it had been since his boss had warned anyone. Since he followed the boss, no one in their territory could afford to be warned by the boss. Three and a half hours later, it was already dark, but fortunately the two speeded up their journey and finally arrived at Gujing Village. At this time, almost all the lights in the village went out and most families had gone to rest. Jing Zhong and the boss did not stop and headed straight towards the Gujing Temple on the mountain in the middle of the village. At the foot of the mountain, the boss asked Jing Zhong to wait below and walked toward the Taoist temple on the mountain alone. The dilapidated Taoist temple only gave the boss a moment of doubt. Then he stood at the door as usual and knocked on the crooked door of the Taoist temple beside him with his fingers. After a while, a young man walked up to the boss. The boss did not hesitate and said directly: "The descendants of Chen Liang, our ancestors once warned that if the Chen family is in trouble, we should take refuge in the Gujing Taoist Temple in Zhongnan Mountain. The young man nodded and said, "Just find a place to rest. After daybreak, I will follow you out of the mountain." Tangshan City, Hebei Province has a huge business empire, which belongs to the Baoxin series. Half of Hebei's energy, minerals, and real estate have been penetrated by the Baoxin series. The Baoxin series has always been at the forefront of the commercial landscape in the Beijing-Tianjin-wing triangle area, and has also extended to other regions in recent decades. However, Baoxin is a hidden existence. No ordinary Chinese person knows about the existence of the Baoxin series and has never heard of it. Even the vast majority of business people in the business world are not aware of this Baoxin is synonymous with a consortium that controls dozens of companies. Few people know that Baoxin’s leader is Chen. Every time the domestic rich list is published on gossip news, Chen's immediate family members smile and show a bit of disdain when they see the name at the top of the list. Baoxin is synonymous with a consortium that controls dozens of companies. Few people know that Baoxin’s leader is Chen. Every time Gossip News publishes a list of the country's richest people, Chen's immediate family members smile and show a bit of disdain when they see the names at the top of the list. In China, some people even pay to be on the list and they will kick you off. Obviously, the Chen family belongs to those who are not on the list. Little is known about the rise and fall of the Chen family in the Baoxin family, but familiar people seem to have heard a rumor that the ancestors of the Chen family had an affair with a Taoist priest during the war years. It seems that the Chen family began to show success from then on. sign. The Chen family never defends, denies, or admits these things, because most members of the Chen family don't know how they built this business empire. Only the people at the helm of the Chen family really know the secrets. In this generation, the person in charge of the Chen family is called Chen Sanjin. Standing at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, in front of the ancient Jing Temple! What novel is this from? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hideous_silk Posted July 28 Share Posted July 28 Your novel?? Or if From somewhere else, please send link to read Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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