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Marking Chapter as read and newest Champion chapter bug

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im not sure what happend but chapters arent marked as read, also there is no error message. I think i broke somthing when i clicked, next chapter on the last chapter on a novel where i have the highest champion tier. Normally there is no new chapter and therefor no teaser of the next chapter. If i click this button i get an error 404 screen with a button to the homepage. 
please help, its annoying to first skip throught several chapters before i get to the one i want to read :).

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16 hours ago, r0nt0r said:


im not sure what happend but chapters arent marked as read, also there is no error message. I think i broke somthing when i clicked, next chapter on the last chapter on a novel where i have the highest champion tier. Normally there is no new chapter and therefor no teaser of the next chapter. If i click this button i get an error 404 screen with a button to the homepage. 
please help, its annoying to first skip throught several chapters before i get to the one i want to read :).

That does seem weird. First, could you go to https://www.wuxiaworld.com/manage/bookmarks and check whether you've accidently locked your bookmark for the novel? 

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im so sorry i missed that, i did lock the chapters and miss that XD, but the "error" is still there. Even with a different device and browser. Also i tested to unlock the novels, clear cache and reload the site.

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