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blipbloc last won the day on December 17 2023

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  1. @KurotoraonoOmg really HAHAHAH any way you like is great! Looking forward to seeing it!
  2. And for good measure, COMMENT MORE FUNNY SHIT PLEASE fellow readers
  3. Aite catch you all later! Reach out on discord if you have any more questions! See ya around in the comments / translator notes otherwise 🙂
  4. Yup HAHAHA but you can always reach my discord too @blip In case you havent seen, I'm pretty active on there whenever someone pings me
  5. UMMM unfortunately, not that I can recall off the top of my head but I'm sure there will be even more in the future so you can look out for them! There are a lot of stuff waiting to be uncovered LOL
  6. Ay yo whats with the forum ranks? Can I reply a little more so I hit the next rank I just saw that cool blue leaf beside my picture
  7. YES HAHAHAH you can interact with me on twitter @blipbloc yes its the same name so feel free to! I post updates occassionally and some funny stuff I come across when translating! you can find a bunch of random art from the various chapters there too!
  8. @Erudite_Birdy aha I enjoy entertaining fellow readers of the novel more than drawing my amazing artwork, but I also do like crafting interesting translator notes from time to time but haven't been able to lately because life has just been too busy IRL but not to worry, with a new year comes new nonsense I can come up with + more time, especially at the start of the year. so you can look forward to that!
  9. @coca5156COMEDY and how unexpected some things might be in the novel. HAHA because the novel is funny and pretty entertaining. You know when you translate (Yes you know), sometimes you get bored of what is going on but little bits of fun here and there and some twists keep me wanting to read more - and thus translate more - So it's a win (me) win (readers) 🙂
  10. @Erudite_Birdy I'm the whole team so... HAHAHAHAHAHHAA Well, I have a few hobbies, one of them is eating great food so I would say I get to do it pretty often because I get to invite my friends out to grab a bite with me. Wouldn't be much fun eating alone as I won't get to try as much. It's a good way to meet everyone too!
  11. @Jaspaaar Hallooo HAHAHA I would say translating at home would be the most comfortable for me, but it's probably not where I'm the most efficient because I go off watching youtube or doing something else. BUT I travel quite often and I find that translating on the plane gives me a +1000 efficiency buff because I don't really have much else to do unless I sleep HAHA And yes, sometimes I like to find cool spots to translate or just to look cool when I take a pic of me working in a spot with amazing views (SOMETHING I LEARNED) heheh
  12. @AwesomeGrace HAHAHA YES actually. Sometimes when you think that something is going to go one way, something else happens. And it's not like forced in anyway. Instead, it blends into the story and somehow works. It's like when we thought going to the Manyu Continent was just going to be "OWO MORE LAND, MORE WORLD ORIGIN, GONNA GET STRONGER" but BAM Spirit Abundance World gets thrown into the mix and tada, you have a stronger world hunting you now and you have to deal with that. UMMM I can't really quote any from the top of my head but feel free to look at interactions by Shang Xia and the Older generation. He keeps getting played by them without realizing
  13. @coca5156 Actually this would rank in my top 2 novels that I've translated so far (Out of a good fat 6/7 now if I remember them all properly) and I have to say its really fun to translate STH.
  14. @AwesomeGrace I'm literally the embodiment of Kou Chongxue what do you mean. I'm the madman of WW. I would say he's actually the easiest to translate for with all his dialogues and actions because they're things I would probably say/do myself With the type of skills, I'll say I can go QUITE far (wink wink).
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