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Everything posted by FatalErrorDriveB

  1. So what you're paying for is the extra chapters that you read. So while you'll still get 1 chapter a day, you'll be 2 chapters ahead of free readers on your current $5 subscription.
  2. Thanks, I always got confused on what was Wuxia or Xianxia. And I didn't realize Xuanhuan was also a name. I'll use your guide for sure.
  3. I have no clue if this will ever come to anything, but I'm making a TTRPG (Table Top Role Playing Game) based around the Wuxia settings. Mainly because I couldn't find one, and it sounded fun to make. There are fun troupes like coughing up blood if you get too angry, possibly killing someone from anger, heart devils, tribulation lightning, alchemy, formations, and more. But I'm curious as to what kinds of things people think would fit well into such a game? The core stats that characters have will be Qi, Spirit, and Body. Based on the 3 main cultivation paths found throughout many novels. Plus a large amount of skills that people can specialize in such as Alchemy, self control, formations, meditation, karma, etc. The things already included: Breakthroughs to new realms Tribulation lightning Heart Devils Anger points ("He was so angry he coughed up a mouthful of blood.") Inheritances Skills (Alchemy, Formations, Meditation, etc) Karma Keep in mind no novel specific things will be added. Only general things like overcoming tribulations, finding inheritances, preparing for breakthroughs by consuming pills and things like that. Things are in very early stages at the moment, but I would love to get some input from fellow Wuxia fans. So what are some fun troupes, ingredients, items, sayings, or other fun things common throughout Wuxia novels as a whole? Or anything you personally think would be fun in such a game. Also any name suggestions for NPC's that will be included as characters in the core rules are very welcome. No matter how many novels I read I just can't seem to come up with Chinese names.
  4. On a site I found through a google search. I saw that Apple TV had it, but I don't own any apple products and their price is way to high to justify paying just to watch this. I'm pretty sure I can't say the site since it's not licensed as far as I can tell, but it shouldn't be too hard to find.
  5. I had no idea so many had anime's! That's awesome! I was planning on reading Renegade Immortal after I finished reading I Shall Seal The Heavens. So that will be perfect.
  6. A Will Eternal has 2, maybe 3 seasons out and it's awesome! Beautiful anime and a faithful adaptation of the novel. I was so excited when I learned of it and I've finished all 52 episodes of season 1. I'm watching season 2 now. Did you guys know of anime's like this, from wuxia novels? If so, any recommendations on good ones that are also adapted from novels on this site? I'd like to read them first.
  7. I feel like A Will Eternal is probably one of if not my favorite novel I've read so far. There are so many good ones that it's hard to truly choose, but Will Eternal is something that just captured me when I read it.
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