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When will alloy become available for all novels


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Hey y'all, I was just wondering when The AI voice alloy will be widely available. I used it for "Beyond the Timescape," and it has me hooked. But, you know, I'm also jumping between like four different reads, and when I'm driving or cooking or doing whatever, the normal TTS doesn't hit the same as that AI voice.

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Alloy is currently available on Beyond the Timescape, Keyboard Immortal and Overgeared.

As for adding it to additional novels, we are planning that. However, we want to make sure this is something that readers actually want since it is expensive to generate them.

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I personally wouldn't mind having a VIP tier, with a small price increase if that helps allow for the AI voice. It's made listening much more enjoyable for me. But I get that maybe not everyone uses the TTS and that even those that do might not be down for something that could raise the price. But just know you for sure have one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1, I'd just like to leave my feedback that I love Alloy and wouldn't mind paying extra for an AI Voice.

Regular TTS on the app is painful since it struggles a lot with names and compound words. I end up browsing the site through a TTS app that does word replacement, but it's a lot of work for every new novel. The AI Voice isn't perfect but is far, far better than the alternatives.

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  • 2 months later...

I regularly use Alloy for beyond the timescape, it sounds like a real audiobook, great stuff.

Other tts voices are painfully to hear and grating to the ear so i never use them.

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