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Forbidden zone of the human race

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol, I guess I'm not the only one missing this one to point of having withdrawal symptoms. I remember being into Ultragene Warlord prior to this one & then switching to this one. I still haven't gone back that one & the Hiatus or actually  the reason & the way that it got dropped kind of hit me hard I didn't felt like reading in here until recently even then I still try to not get too invested lest another disappointment as this isn't the only Hiatus on here that I feel salty about.

I also tried Intersellar Survival: Invasion & thought let me it build some chapter so I can read it layer but guess what when I came back to check it was yet another unfortunate Hiatus. I recently started on The Stars Beyond but it doesn't fill the gaping hole FZHR left behind, although FZHR is kind what many might consider fastfood it ended just when it was starting to get very interesting. I also fun due to readers & the team I was & still am looking forward to Xian Nings adventure outer space. The novel has over ~3.2k chapters by now so I feel even more compelled to know how this story's going to end.

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