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  1. What world is this in which tales tell! Adventures' thirst to quell! The land of Wuxia; Xanxia; All! Grand stories here do dwell! - A Reader's Beacon
  2. The eyes of the Maiden long dim, then dark; drawing the light, to the plum the Qing harks - Plumdark & Xu's precious & poignant relationship (Beyond the Timescape)
  3. I woke and arose; Gauze covered the 'scape, before nightfall violet grants an escape!
  4. Troublers rise to stir amok, a tide over the city. Fortune smiles, it bears a Qing! ...His bearing oddly pretty. The task at hand, oh quite the shame, it wasn't something more. Forget a tide, to seal the seas! To him? - hardly a chore!
  5. A strut around the city to look; with Xu around the bill's afoot! A dreamer, a rapscallion he dares to be! Captain My Captain! What food is Hē! Title: The Bro Ode 😉
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