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  1. 1. It was the Wordpress version of the site, correct. 2. How do I make an official request so that can be done?
  2. So I don't remember many details from the novel but I was hoping my fellow Wuxiaworld readers might be able to help me identify the series. I'll write out what I do remember and hopefully it jogs someone's memory. 1. The MC pretended to have brain damage or be mentally deficint for a while as he was doing his training. I believe he was a servant or slave for this noble family somewhere? If I recall correctly his training involved him using this formation his dead grandfather/father put together and getting struck by lightning. 2. I'm pretty sure he was a blacksmith -- no -- artificing. He made things and he ended up joining a school later which helped him continue honing this ability. 3. The school he joined had this pillar? I believe a plot point was that it helped students gain insights and hone their craft further -- but that it also had demons sealed inside of it which eventually escaped forcing the MC to move on. I know it's not a lot to go off of but hopefully it helps.
  3. I didn't read ATG as I didn't like the protagonist. Not entirely sure what NSHBA stands for? I think if I had to make a choice I would say ISSTH's tribulations are better done compared to Desolate Era. I mean -- I'm rereading Desolate Era right now but even I'll admit that the author isn't particularly great.
  4. Is there any chance we can regain the ability to change our usernames? Or at the very least what is displayed for comments & forum posts? We used to have the ability a while back and I was called "Martial Tempest" and then it was randomly taken away. For...no explainable reason really.
  5. I don't know if this is the right place or if the moderators/website management team even looks here. Is there any chance we can regain the ability to change our usernames? Or at the very least what is displayed for comments & forum posts? We used to have the ability a while back and I was called "Martial Tempest" and then it was randomly taken away. For...no explainable reason really. Edit: Moved to the Website Feedback & Bug Reports section that I discovered shortly after posting this. I would have deleted this but uh...not an option? At least not one I could find, sorry.
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