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  1. I made some changes to the question. Here is what I got. There has been information about humans capable of manipulating energy and I find text about this all over the place. In China it is referred to as Chi, in Japan it is Ki, and in Korea it is Qi, it has also been called mana or internal energy. If we assume that this is real thing, how should I start practising it? ChatGPT The concept of manipulating energy, often referred to as Chi, Ki, Qi, or mana, is deeply rooted in various traditional Asian cultures and is often associated with practices like Qigong, Tai Chi, and martial arts. While these practices are more about promoting physical and mental well-being, as well as self-defense, rather than explicitly manipulating a mystical energy force, many individuals believe in the existence of such energy. If you are interested in exploring these practices, here are some general steps you can consider: Research and Understanding: Read about the cultural and historical context of the practices you are interested in. Understanding the philosophy behind these practices is crucial. Find a Qualified Teacher: Seek out a knowledgeable and experienced teacher who can guide you through the techniques. Look for instructors with a solid understanding of the philosophy and practical aspects of the art. Start with the Basics: Begin with the basics of the chosen practice, whether it's Qigong, Tai Chi, or another related discipline. Focus on proper posture, breathing, and basic movements. Regular Practice: Consistency is key. Regular practice is necessary to experience the benefits of these disciplines. Set aside time each day for your practice. Mind-Body Connection: Pay attention to the mind-body connection. Many of these practices emphasize the integration of mental focus, breath control, and physical movement. Breathing Exercises: Breath is often considered a crucial aspect of these practices. Explore different breathing exercises and learn how to coordinate your breath with your movements. Meditation: Many of these practices incorporate meditation. Consider adding meditation sessions to your routine to enhance your focus and awareness. Respect the Cultural Context: Be mindful and respectful of the cultural context from which these practices originated. It's not just about physical movements; it's about embracing a holistic approach to health and well-being. Patience and Persistence: Progress may be slow, and experiences vary from person to person. Be patient and persistent in your practice. Remember, the idea of manipulating energy is often deeply intertwined with cultural and philosophical beliefs. While there's limited scientific evidence to support the existence of a mystical energy force, the physical and mental benefits of these practices are well-documented. Approach these practices with an open mind, focusing on their potential to enhance your overall well-being.
  2. https://www.novelupdates.com/series/nine-evolutions-of-the-true-spirit/ 真灵九变 It was translated in hostednovel, but they have dropped it. Same author as splitting the heavens which is already translated here in WW. Great novel like splitting the heavens.
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