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Korean name: 메모라이즈

publisher link: https://www.joara.com/book/714701

Reason to license:

It’s from the same author who did second coming of gluttony and to hell with being a hero and they seem to be in a shared universe and this is one of his earlier works which was one point of interest for me. It’s a pretty interesting regression novel with a similar vibe to novel like reincarnated or king of the battlefield, though compared to these there’s more focus on side characters I think. Overall, with all the different translators picking it up in the past, its translation is inconsistent and kinda a mess so I hope someone can do it justice and I can finally get a chance to read it proper.

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Well, bad news for you. Many people have already recommended this to be licensed but the Wuxiaworld team has said that the publishers Joara don't want an official translation and are not willing to give the licence. So it's better to not keep any hope of this novel ever getting a proper translation. 

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yeah, it's one of the more disappointing developments for people who liked the other novels in the same worldview.  Joara being difficult seems ridiculous since the author is obviously for the translations considering his other works have been license and translated here.  Oh well, here's hoping that the author is able to finally get some movement with Joara if we continue to show interest.

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