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Posts posted by Dice_24K

  1. 30+ endings... Boy I hope the game has enough replayability (perhaps the ability to just redo something at the end) for me to get them all without getting bored and moving on. To elaborate on this: I mean in one go. To elaborate on that, not in one sitting; I realize that once I drop a game with the idea of "I'll come back later" -> I will never come back. I dropped Killer7 in 2018 with that idea and I still haven't gone back; Painkiller Black Edition in 2015 and I haven't gone back; etc etc. There are too many games to play and I have very few comfort games I enjoy (for example: Slay the Spire, modded) and I actually go back to them. I'm not a representative of every person out there, but that's just my concern.

    To talk about a wuxia character... Well, after looking at a list of things I've been reading, everything is a xianxia. Can I pretend to not know the difference for a moment and just pick a random character not yet brought up already? Currently, I'm enjoying reading the Peerless Battle Spirit with Mr. Main Character Qin Nan. While he sometimes travels with a companion, he tends to be alone quite a lot and if he needs something, it's decent ranged options. I dunno if he gets something to help him out on that front later on, but from what I can tell, right now his strengths fade once the enemy gets a certain distance away from him. He is pretty fast that it hasn't been a problem (also Mr. Main Character plot power/armor go brrrrrr) but if some evil Leader person were to bombard him with arrows at a distance while minions held him back, he'd have to retreat. 

    Best of luck to us all in the raffle.

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