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The Damn Reincarnation translation team, marking 500 chapters!

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Celebrating 500 chapters of DR, at 7pm PDT on June 23rd (which is 10pm EDT, and the 24th at 3am BST and 10am GMT+8), Openbookworm, Dantheman, and DMomo, the translators and editor of Damn Reincarnation, will be hosting a question and answer session!

Feel free to post your questions now in advance, and they'll be responded to once the event starts. You might be interested to know why OBW and Dan started translating, what kinds of edits DMomo normally makes, or simply what their hobbies are. 

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Congratulations to the translators and editors. The work you do is godsent for us readers and we couldn't be more grateful for this.

What I wanted to ask was that while translating/editing novels have you ever found any wierd quirks of the author of either this novel or any past novels? If so what are the weirdest ones? I've been reading raws and MTLs for quite sometime now and often find authors calling themselves Goldfish, never understood why but found it very funny. If you guys have any such weird stories please share!!!

And again my utmost thanks to guys for translating and editing the raws. Having read a few raws ik how much it messes up your sense of language and grammar of the language you think you're the most proficient in.

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I asked a year ago, but il ask again, any chance of you guys picking up the author of damn reincarnation first work? which is possessing nothing(webtoon name is worthless regression) There is already one person translating it, but at a pace of 20 chapters a year which means it will take him 2 more years to complete the novel. Theres also some gaps in the early 100 chapter where its machine translated for 30-40 chapters. 

Other than that id like to than you guys for picking up this novel and translating it, this ended up on my radar when i was reading the webtoon and i was pretty happy seeing it on here (already used this site for overgeared)


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hard question, what is your favorite aspect of the protagonist, character or personality wise? I really like that he can act his real age but also knows how to enjoy. 

Edited by freewheeler
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really love the work yall have done in translating this, my major question besides how can you be so active in the replies to comments and notes without spoiling much, is how difficult is it to translate slang into other languages without having to change it completely in order to get the same vibe across?

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On 6/21/2024 at 8:11 PM, Bepperoni said:

spacer.png                                            DR IS SUCH A GOOD NOVEL !! WAHOO !!!!!!!

This dancing cat is weirdly addicting. I can't seem to take my eyes off it. 😅

Thank you for supporting DR. Glad you like it.


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On 6/22/2024 at 12:28 PM, Ratzilla said:

Congratulations to the translators and editors. The work you do is godsent for us readers and we couldn't be more grateful for this.

What I wanted to ask was that while translating/editing novels have you ever found any wierd quirks of the author of either this novel or any past novels? If so what are the weirdest ones? I've been reading raws and MTLs for quite sometime now and often find authors calling themselves Goldfish, never understood why but found it very funny. If you guys have any such weird stories please share!!!

And again my utmost thanks to guys for translating and editing the raws. Having read a few raws ik how much it messes up your sense of language and grammar of the language you think you're the most proficient in.

Really happy that you are enjoying DR.

Thankfully, I haven't encountered any author quirks, as OBW or Dan take care of those (if any) while translating. However, I edit out certain things to make for a smoother reading experience. For example, the characters refer to themselves in the third person or even refer to the person they are talking to in the third person. Another thing is the dialogue. There is no indication as to who says what, so we add those in for a better and richer reading experience.

And you are correct. There are times when I have to say a sentence out loud a few times to check if it is correct. even with all the English I know, some sentences just make me go, "What did I just read? Is that correct?"

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On 6/22/2024 at 1:09 PM, throwawayusernamegodamn said:

I asked a year ago, but il ask again, any chance of you guys picking up the author of damn reincarnation first work? which is possessing nothing(webtoon name is worthless regression) There is already one person translating it, but at a pace of 20 chapters a year which means it will take him 2 more years to complete the novel. Theres also some gaps in the early 100 chapter where its machine translated for 30-40 chapters. 

Other than that id like to than you guys for picking up this novel and translating it, this ended up on my radar when i was reading the webtoon and i was pretty happy seeing it on here (already used this site for overgeared)


I don't know if this novel will be picked up or is on the radar to be picked up. If you haven't already done so, I suggest posting it in the forum thread for novel suggestions. Meanwhile, we will be happy to pass on this suggestion.

And thank you for supporting DR. I really love this story and am just happy to be part of the team that brings it to the wider audience.

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On 6/23/2024 at 7:28 AM, Ratzilla said:

What I wanted to ask was that while translating/editing novels have you ever found any wierd quirks of the author of either this novel or any past novels? If so what are the weirdest ones?

Does Hamel's pottymouth count? One thing is weird is that, despite having the single quotation marks for thoughts, the author sometimes leaves it as part of the narration, and then says the character thought this. At times like those, I kinda start to suspect that the author is padding the word count a bit.

On 6/23/2024 at 8:09 AM, throwawayusernamegodamn said:

I asked a year ago, but il ask again, any chance of you guys picking up the author of damn reincarnation first work?

Damn Reincarnation is almost completely translated, so if it comes up, then I might pick it. But it really depends on what's offered to me.

8 hours ago, freewheeler said:

hard question, what is your favorite aspect of the protagonist, character or personality wise? I really like that he can act his real age but also knows how to enjoy. 

Edit: Whoops, I misread the question. I think that my favorite trait is how he looks out for others without really thinking about it. He throws himself in the line of danger for his comrades all the time, never expecting their thanks, but I think what really defines this is the way that he treats Ciel and Cyan. In a lot of other reincarnation novels, you only see them really focus on their own strength. Eugene taught the siblings how to be better people, and Carmen really hit the mark when she said that without him, the twins would have turned out really spoiled.

On a side note, I think that my favorite character is Carmen and how she can be so completely chuuni, yet exceptionally honorable and knightly, all at the same time.

On 6/23/2024 at 2:16 PM, suncust said:

Who is best girl? Noir or noir? 

Just to be contrary,


Aria, the Saint of Agaroth.

4 hours ago, 4thPzDivy said:

really love the work yall have done in translating this, my major question besides how can you be so active in the replies to comments and notes without spoiling much, is how difficult is it to translate slang into other languages without having to change it completely in order to get the same vibe across?

It can be difficult, as mentioned. One challenge that you don't really think about is that due to the difference in culture, the the same Korean word can be used in different ways to mean different things depending on the context. At those times, you really need to juggle the words around to see what fits.

Edited by openbookworm
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On 6/22/2024 at 7:16 PM, suncust said:

Who is best girl? Noir or noir? 

I am sure some others might disagree. But I love Noir. As crazy as her character is, I love the depth and complexity of her character. She is definitely on my list of best girls.

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On 6/23/2024 at 5:09 AM, throwawayusernamegodamn said:

I asked a year ago, but il ask again, any chance of you guys picking up the author of damn reincarnation first work? which is possessing nothing(webtoon name is worthless regression) There is already one person translating it, but at a pace of 20 chapters a year which means it will take him 2 more years to complete the novel. Theres also some gaps in the early 100 chapter where its machine translated for 30-40 chapters. 

Other than that id like to than you guys for picking up this novel and translating it, this ended up on my radar when i was reading the webtoon and i was pretty happy seeing it on here (already used this site for overgeared)


Hey, glad to hear you’re enjoying the novel! Sorry if your question went unanswered last time! I have no doubts that the authors previous work is a bop as well, and if it is a title that becomes available from our korean publishers, we would love to pick it up! That being said, there is quite a lengthy process in selecting novels and getting it ready for translations. But we’ll make sure to keep our eyes peeled and advocate to get it available! (Especially if DR keeps getting lots of love)

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8 hours ago, freewheeler said:

hard question, what is your favorite aspect of the protagonist, character or personality wise? I really like that he can act his real age but also knows how to enjoy. 

I love his confidence and how chill he is. Nothing phases him, and he just proceeds no matter what. And yep, I love how chilled he is around the Lionhearts, even though he complains about not being able to act in his dignified (?) way.

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On 6/23/2024 at 4:28 AM, Ratzilla said:

Congratulations to the translators and editors. The work you do is godsent for us readers and we couldn't be more grateful for this.

What I wanted to ask was that while translating/editing novels have you ever found any wierd quirks of the author of either this novel or any past novels? If so what are the weirdest ones? I've been reading raws and MTLs for quite sometime now and often find authors calling themselves Goldfish, never understood why but found it very funny. If you guys have any such weird stories please share!!!

And again my utmost thanks to guys for translating and editing the raws. Having read a few raws ik how much it messes up your sense of language and grammar of the language you think you're the most proficient in.

Hey, thanks for reading! To answer the question, Ive not really found ‘quirks’, but I think it’s quite interesting to see how authors’ thought process in developing a story. Having translated different novels of different genres from different authors, you definitely do see unique styles of writing and storytelling (which we do our best to keep in our TLs). The amount of research and thinking that goes into writing a story is definitely immense, and I definitely have great respect for authors. Please continue to support DR! Cheeeeers

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On 6/23/2024 at 11:16 AM, suncust said:

Who is best girl? Noir or noir? 

How about the Nur? 👀

8 hours ago, freewheeler said:

hard question, what is your favorite aspect of the protagonist, character or personality wise? I really like that he can act his real age but also knows how to enjoy. 

I definitely enjoy the character’s humor, which sometimes is hard to translate fully while retaining the “funny” aspect of it. Also, I like that there is character development whilst maintaining his unique personality

4 hours ago, 4thPzDivy said:

really love the work yall have done in translating this, my major question besides how can you be so active in the replies to comments and notes without spoiling much, is how difficult is it to translate slang into other languages without having to change it completely in order to get the same vibe across?

I think it really depends on what we’re aiming for. Sometimes, it really is balancing whether we want to get the message across at the risk of losing the original, literal form of the text vs otherwise. It really does depend on the setting of the novel, how comfortable the audience is with certain terms or cultures, creativity of the translator, etc…

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4 hours ago, 4thPzDivy said:

really love the work yall have done in translating this, my major question besides how can you be so active in the replies to comments and notes without spoiling much, is how difficult is it to translate slang into other languages without having to change it completely in order to get the same vibe across?

It really is hard to comment without spoiling, especially when we are at least 40 chapters ahead of the public release. So, most times, it involves going back and checking which chapter we are on and what has been revealed before commenting on anything. The same goes for the highest tier, as I am at least 2-3 chapters ahead in editing. There are times I so want to comment but can't because there is no way of commenting without spoiling. That's the hardest struggle. 🤐

OBW or Dan can answer the translating part. For me, there are times when I come across a random line that is obviously an idiom, but I have no idea what it means. In such a case, we just go for the closest English idiom while keeping the meaning still intact. Most times we add a note so any readers who are interested in Korean idioms can read those too.

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It seems that the Q and A is over, but before I leave. I just want to take all you readers for your continued interest our work. Thank you for your continued support, we hope that all our efforts have brought you a lot of joy.

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